Mansfield focuses on equal treatment, equal opportunity, and equal access.
The Mansfield Rule was inspired by a winning idea at Diversity Lab’s 2016 Women in Law Hackathon.
Mansfield is a structured certification process designed to ensure all talent at participating law firms and legal departments has a fair and equal opportunity to advance into leadership. This science-backed and data-driven inclusive sourcing process helps boost inclusivity, equal access, and transparency in advancement processes and leadership roles at participating organizations. To maintain its effectiveness, the certification standards continue to evolve year-over-year based on data-backed insights.
Mansfield is an inclusive sourcing process, not a diverse slate policy. Mansfield asks organizations to track and measure more than a dozen leadership roles and activities across an entire year and ask themselves: “Across all of these opportunities, did we consider at least 30*% qualified underrepresented talent – out of the unlimited number of people considered – before determining the final slate or making a selection or promotion decision?” Mansfield doesn’t dictate that 30% underrepresented talent be slated or selected for any given leadership role or activity, nor does it result in any person being excluded from consideration based on race or gender.
Mansfield is legal and an important equal opportunity measure because it:
of participating large law firms broadened the pool of talent considered for client pitch teams.
of large law firms increased discussions around lateral partner hiring inclusivity.
of Mansfield legal departments now have transparent internal advancement processes as a result of Certification.
of Mansfield legal departments now track internal talent pools for promotion because of Mansfield.
Mansfield helps ensure that all talent has an equal opportunity to advance into leadership through transparency and an intentional fairness-based decision-making process informed by behavioral science.
Mansfield increases transparency and intentionality around law firm and legal department leadership and advancement processes. This openness benefits everyone.
Firms and legal departments commit to expanding their talent pools for all leadership opportunities.
Step 1
To achieve Mansfield Certification, law firms and legal departments increase transparency and clarity regarding opportunities. They articulate and internally publish job descriptions, expectations, and promotional paths. This greater transparency helps level the playing field for all.
Step 2
Firms and legal departments engage in Knowledge Sharing throughout the certification process, a crucial part of Mansfield. Research shows that working in a group is a better way to stay on track toward a larger goal because it creates peer group and third-party accountability.
Step 3
Firms and legal departments complete a series of check-ins with Diversity Lab to ensure they are on track to achieve Certification.
Step 4
At the end of the Certification period, firms and legal departments are required to submit an online Certification form that is signed by their managing partner or general counsel.
Step 5
As the Certification period ends, a new one begins. Firms and legal departments renew their participation in Mansfield year-over-year to ensure long-term fairness and inclusive cultures at their organizations.
Step 6
Leadership Pipeline Tracking and Transparency: Prior to adopting the Mansfield Rule, only 12% of participating law firms tracked the demographic diversity of their leadership pipelines. Now, 100% of participating firms track who’s coming up through the ranks and whether they are all fairly considered for leadership activities and roles. Similarly, in participating legal departments, to ensure equal access for everyone:
Expanded Talent Pools on the Path to Leadership: The vast majority of participating law firms have reported broader talent pools are being considered for opportunities that impact leadership:
Diversity in Leadership: Due to these improved talent practices, law firms that have been consistently Mansfield certified for over five years outpace non-Mansfield firms in creating inclusive cultures and diversifying their executive committees and equity partnerships. Learn more in this article, “Data Shows Mansfield Firms Are Adding Diverse Leaders Much Faster,” published by two data science academics.
For additional details on Mansfield’s quantitative and qualitative outcomes, see our Mansfield DEI resources.
As of 2024, there are 365+ US, Canadian, and UK law firms participating in the certification process.
If you are interested in Mansfield Certification for law firms or legal departments, please reach out.